Formed in 1981, the Wellington Wind Symphony is in its 44th season. The musicians of the WWS are amongst southern Ontario’s finest. Our audiences can expect to hear great music performed at the highest level. Our concerts regularly feature highly-regarded vocal and instrumental soloists, as well as choirs from the area.
The Wellington Winds released a DVD in 2012. Appassionato: The Wellington Winds Story. The DVD includes performances of many works for the symphonic wind ensemble, many of them Canadian.

The Wellington Wind Symphony has also released a number of CDs, including a studio-recording of works by local composers, An Artist’s Neighbourhood. Please have a look at our Recordings page for information about these and other recordings.
The Wellington Wind Symphony has a long history of excellence and community collaboration, having performed with the Grand Philharmonic Choir, at MusicFest Canada in Toronto, at the Guelph Spring Festival, as co-host of the Music Is For Life Symposium, in workshops for students, and for the Canadian Music Educators’ Conference.

Our Sponsors
The Wellington Wind Symphony gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the City of Kitchener and the City of Waterloo.
Please visit our Donations page if you are interested in making to a tax-deductible donation to the Wellington Wind Symphony.
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