Dr. Cynthia Johnston Turner

Welcome Dr. Cynthia Johnston Turner!

The Wellington Wind Symphony is thrilled to welcome our Guest Conductor for the remainder of the season, Dr. Cynthia Johnston Turner!  Dr. Johnston Turner will be joining the Winds for her first rehearsal with us on November 12, 2023. She has already demonstrated an exciting, collaborative approach to working with the group, and brings a …

Andrew Chung

Thank you Andrew Chung

It is with sadness that the Wellington Wind Symphony announces our Music Director Andrew Chung’s resignation from this position, effective October 30, 2023. Under Andrew’s dynamic leadership since the 2019/2020 season, the Wellington Wind Symphony achieved new artistic heights, and our “comeback from COVID 19” season in 2022/2023 is especially notable. Members of the group …

Percussion Trailer Stolen!

On November 8, 2022, the trailer containing all of The Wellington Wind Symphony’s percussion was stolen. This loss is devastating for our group. The trailer stored our timpani purchased 25+ years ago for $25,000. And we have since spent at least another $15,000 on many additional percussion instruments. We have an immediate need to borrow, …

Return to Rehearsals and Concerts!

The WWS is thrilled to be returning to rehearsals this fall! Our first concert is scheduled for October 30! Stay tuned for details. WWS members, please log in to the members area to see the schedule and check that your information is correct.